At Nordstil in Hamburg, you can find out first-hand what's coming up next season. In the home port of consumer goods, Nordstil is the most important ordering event in northern Germany. What you can expect? A wide range of products from brand manufacturers, start-ups, manufactories and young designers to lots of inspiring highlights! As the hub of the North, Nordstil attracts numerous buyers every year.
Product groups
Gifts & Stationery

Successes are self-made! Experience the world of gift giving, a lot of creativity, imagination and unusual products from everyday life.
Gift items, games, toys, licensed products, promotional items and gifts, hobbies and handicrafts, stationery, office supplies and writing utensils, children’s clothing and accessories, children’s interior, education and school, calender, postcards and greeting cards, souvenirs, bath accessories and personal care accoutrements, cosmetics and fragrances.
Hall: A1
Home & Garden

The feel-good factor: everything to do with a beautiful home. New products, collections and concepts stylishly staged for you.
Furniture, home accessories and textiles, luminaries, room scents, paintings, seasonal decorations, florists’ prerequisites, candles, garden and balcony prerequisites, barbecues, glass and ceramicware, porcelain.
Halls: A1, A4
Jewellery & Fashion

Lots of inspiration and a real experience for all those who want to make their assortment sparkle, are looking for fashionable accessories and want to add that little extra to their product selection.
Fine jewellery, precious stones and pearls, silver jewellery, costume jewellery, jewellery accessories, watches, apparel, fashion items and accessories, bags and small leather goods, scarves and shawls.
Hall: A2
Kitchen & Gourmet

Expand your range enjoyable and make every moment of cooking and culinary with quality and design as beautiful and special as possible.
Kitchen accessories, household goods, cutlery, glass, porcelain, ceramics, gourmet articles, wines and spirits.
Halls: B1.OG, B2.OG
Style & Design

Let yourself be surprised by a bandwidth of innovative product ideas and wonderful materials, which convince through high quality and design.
Lifestyle products from well-known designers, brands and manufactories.
Halls: A3, A4
Special Interest – Customisable merchandise

Offer your customers products that are precisely tailored to their needs. Customisable merchandise is a growing trend. Specialist exhibitors can also be found in the TOP FAIR Messe Magazin by relating identification.